Changing Soft keys – Aastra

Changing Soft Keys

To access the Phone Configuration:

1. Log into your CommPortal at

2. Click “Devices” under the Personal Details column in the dark blue panel at the bottom.  Click on “Set Keys”

Aastra 6757i / 6737i phone

There are 30 configurable soft keys on the 6757i / 6737 I Aastra phones.  To get to the next page of soft keys click on the “More” key. There are 2 pages for the top keys and 4 pages for the bottom keys.  “More” will not display on your phone unless there is a key configured on the page.

You can see whether you can modify a key by hovering your mouse over the key. If the key glows blue you can configure it. If it glows red, you cannot.

To select a key, click on it. This will launch a pop-up allowing you to configure the key:

Use the drop-down list to select the operation you’d like that key to perform:

The possible options are as follows (although not all of these options may be enabled on your phone system):

• Nothing – this is used when a key is not assigned a function.

• Line – this key is used for a phone line. When programmed, pressing this key will cause the phone to go off-hook and ask you for digits to dial. When calls come into that phone line, this key can be used to answer those calls.

• Speed Dial – this configures the key as a speed dial. Enter the number you want this Speed Dial to call in the box provided.

• Do Not Disturb – configures the key as a Do Not Disturb key.

• Enhanced Monitored Extension – allows you to monitor another line. Enter the number of the extension you want to monitor in the box provided.

• Other Service – this is reserved for future services.

• Enhanced Park Call – this is used to park calls.

• Call List – this configured the key to show you recent calls.

• Directory – this configures the key to provide you with your internal directory.

• Intercom – this configures the key to launch a paging call to an individual phone.

• Voicemail – this configures the key as a speed dial to access your Voicemail.

• Directed Pickup – this configures the key as a speed dial to pickup calls ringing on a particular line. Enter the number of the extension you want to pick up calls for in the box provided.

Whichever option you chose for your key you may enter a label for the key. If your phone has a display next to the key you configured, this label will be shown on the phone display. Once you have finished configuring your key click on OK. The picture of the phone will be updated with the label you gave your new key assignment.

Once you have finished configuring your keys, click on Save changes to save your changes. You phone will pick up the changes you have made overnight. If you want the phone to apply the changes immediately, you may reboot it.

Up to 3 expansion modules with 60 configurable soft keys each can be added to 6757i / 6737i Aastra phones. The soft keys are configured the same way.

Aastra 6731i

There are 8 configurable soft keys on the 6731i Aastra phone.  

To make a label for the soft keys you can click on the “Print” icon on the bottom right, choose the option to print “Insert: Top Soft Keys”.

Putting a Call on Hold

Putting a Call on Hold

You can put a call on hold by pressing the Hold key:

On Aastra Phones:

On Polycom Phones:

You may now replace the handset without cutting the caller off. You can also now make another call while the first call is on hold.

To retrieve the call, press the Hold key again.

Transferring a Call

Transferring a Call on an Aastra or Mitel phone:

1. Press the Transfer button or Xfer soft key – this places the current call on hold.

2. Dial the number of the person you want to transfer the call to.

3. If you want to transfer the call before the other person answers, press the Transfer button or Xfer soft key immediately.

4. Alternatively, you can choose to wait until the person has answered before completing the transfer by pressing the Transfer button or Xfer soft key.

To transfer directly into voicemail:

1. Press the Transfer key button or Xfer soft key.

2. Press * and the extension of the person you would like to reach.

3. Press Transfer button or Xfer soft key.

Transferring a Call on a Polycom phone:

1. Press the Transfer button or Xfer soft key – this places the current call on hold.

2. If you want to transfer the call without speaking to the user(coworker), simply dial the number of the person you would like to transfer to.

To speak to the user(coworker) before completing the transfer:

1. Trnsfr soft key for 5 seconds

2. Press Consultative

3. Dialing the number you would like to transfer to

4. Speak to your caller, then hit Trnsfr again

To transfer a caller directly into someone’s voicemail:

1. Press the Trnsfr soft key.

2. Press the BLIND soft key.

3. Press * and the extension of the person you would like to reach.

Transferring a Call on a Yealink T48S Phone:

Press the Transfer key on the phone or on the touch screen.  That places the call on hold. Enter the extension or the phone number to transfer the call to.  

  • Press the B Transfer Key to blind Transfer.
  • Press the Send Key to warm transfer.  Once the other party answers press Transfer again to complete the transfer.

Transferring a Call on a Yealink T46S Phone:

Press the Transfer key on the phone or the key that appears on a soft key when a call is in progress.  That places the call on hold. Enter the extension or the phone number to transfer the call to.

  • Press the B Transfer Key to blind Transfer.
  • Press the Send Key to warm transfer.  Once the other party answers press Transfer again to complete the transfer.

Transferring a Call on a Yealink T42S Phone:

Press the Transfer key that appears on a soft key when a call is in progress.  That places the call on hold. Enter the extension or the phone number to transfer the call to.  

  • Press the B Transfer Key to blind Transfer.
  • Press the Send Key to warm transfer.  Once the other party answers press Transfer again to complete the transfer.

Three Way Conferencing

Three Way Conferencing

To conference a third person into a regular two-way phone call, follow these steps.

1. When in a regular call, press the Conference button or Conf soft key.

2. Dial the person you want to join your call.

3. Once this person has answered press the Conference button or Conf soft key again to join the callers together.

Grid4 can provide a conference bridge to support calls of more than three endpoints.

Contact Customer Care or 248.244.8100 for details.

Parking and Retrieving Calls

Parking & Retrieving Calls

Parking a Call

Parking a call places the call on hold in a “park orbit” so that the call can be retrieved from another phone.

When configuring Park Orbits on soft keys choose “Enhanced Call Park”.  That will allow calls to be parked and retrieved using the same key.

If you have soft keys programmed on your phone for parking calls, when in a call press the key of the park orbit where you want the call parked. The call will now be parked and you may now replace the handset.

If you have keys on your phone for parking calls these keys will indicate via a light or icon when a call is parked against that orbit.

Call Parks must initially be set up by your Administrator.  

Retrieving a parked call:

If you have keys on your phone for parked calls, pick up the handset and press the key of the park orbit where the call is parked.

Do Not Disturb

Do Not Disturb

If you don’t want any calls to ring your phone, but instead go straight through to your voicemail, you can enable Do Not Disturb.

If you have a soft key marked DND then press this to turn Do Not Disturb on and off.

The phone’s screen will read DND and the MWI (message waiting indicator) light will glow red when DND is enabled.

Using Voicemail System

Using Voicemail System

The voicemail system is menu driven, so listen to the voice prompts and then press the keys on your phone to select which option you would like.

Once you become familiar with the system there is no need to wait until the voice prompts have played before pressing a key – you can interrupt the announcements to speed up your experience.

Click here for a Complete Voicemail User Guide

Changing Soft Keys – Polycom

Changing VVX Soft Keys

To access the Phone Configuration:

  1. Log into your CommPortal at
  2. Click on Devices in the Personal Details column in the dark blue panel at the bottom of the screen.

For the VVX 300 /310 Series Phones:

Click on “Set Keys”

Click on “Edit”

There are 6 “Programmable Keys – Line” and 10 “Programmable Keys – Bottom”

Choose the key to configure, click on the arrow to open up the options, choose the option and click Save Changes.

These are the available options for “Programmable Keys – Line”

These are the available options for “Programmable Keys – Bottom”

Make sure to save your changes.  To make your changes available right away you can reboot your phone or let it update overnight.

For the VVX 400 /410 Series Phones:

There are 12 Configurable Soft Keys for “Programmable Keys – Line” and 10 configurable “Programmable Keys – Bottom”.  The choices are the same as the 300 series phone soft key options.

For the VVX 500 Series phones:

There are 12 configurable soft keys for “Programmable Keys – Line” and 10 configurable soft keys for Programmable Keys – Bottom.  The options are the same as VVX 300 series phones.

Up to 2 sidecars can be added to VVX 500 series phones.  The soft keys are programmed just like the 400 and 300 series phones.  There are 84 possible soft keys per sidecar.