CommPortal Assistant Download

CommPortal Assistant Download

Business users in accounts that have activated Commportal Assitant can download the App from within CommPortal.

CommPortal Assistant Overview

The Downloads section allows you to download the CommPortal Assistant toolbar to install on your Microsoft Windows PC. This gives you fast access to your CommPortal from your desktop. You will not have to log in through a web browser when using the CommPortal Assistant.

To download and install the CommPortal Assistant toolbar on your desktop, follow these steps:

  1. Log into your CommPortal at
  2. Click Downloads, found under Support in the lower right of the window.
  3. Click onAssistant on the left side bar.
  4. Click: Vista/Windows 7/ Windows 8 / Windows 10
  5. If prompted, select Run to start the installation.
  6. Follow the on-screen instructions to install CommPortal Assistant.
  7. CommPortal Assistant will now be loaded on your desktop toolbar with the  symbol.
  8. Click on this icon to automatically launch your dashboard.

Click here for how to access CommPortal Assistant